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Wisconsin Lions District 27D2 Fishability Day

2025 Fishability Club Info
2025 Fishability Registration Form
2025 Fishability Day is Saturday June 14th, 2025

District 27-D2 will be hosting a Fishability Day for special needs students on June 14, 2025. Lion Dan Wolfe is Chairman of the planning committee.


The Fishability Day is not to be confused with a “Tournament”.  This will be a day where the emphasis will be on fun!

 New this year, the event will start at 9:00 AM at the Great River Road Interpretive Center (Across the Road from the Ponds). Following the visit, the participants will proceed across the road for a light lunch. After lunch we will fish in one of the ponds of the Fish Hatchery. There are handicapped accessible docks for wheelchairs. Each participant will receive a free commemorative hat and a medal or other small memento of the occasion.


 In order to avoid any contamination of the trout pond, participants should NOT bring their own fishing gear or bait. There will be at least two and possibly three trout of good size available for each participant.  Lion members need to be one-on-one with each participant for safety reasons and to help with whatever is needed.  We need volunteer Lion members to help with parking, assisting participants, cleaning/icing fish, serving food etc.


The committee is asking each club to sign up a student or two (K-12) with special needs to participate in this fun day.  Your club should arrange with parents or guardians for transportation to the Hatchery in Genoa.

 Parents or guardians MUST attend.  Due to a limited amount of space and fish, the participation will be limited to thirty (30) determined by the registration dates.


 If the club has difficulty in locating an eligible student, it is suggested that you contact local school personnel for recommendations. 


All clubs should make members aware of the event, look for individuals that would make good participants, and see if any Lions would like to help with the event. Like the last few years, we’re asking that each club make a $25 donation to the event, and this can be mailed to Lion Dan Wolfe:

 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: “LIONS DISTRICT 27-D2,” Memo: Fishability Day, to Lion Dan Wolfe, W804 Wolfe Lane, Stoddard Wisconsin, 54658


If you have questions, contact Lion Dan Wolfe 608-457-2365



Fishability 2019-8
Fishability 2019-2
Fishability 2019-4
Fishability 2019-1
Lions Fishability 2018
Fishability 2019-9
Fishability 2019-7
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